The food tech revolution is now underway. Every day we're seeing new opportunities created for technology to improve the food supply chain, whether it be better farm management, on[...]
The digitization of food has ensured a critical mass of content surrounding many, but not all of the food choices we make. Web and mobile restaurant platforms provide recommendatio[...]
I’d like to tell you the story of the Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe. This isn’t the Neiman Marcus $65,000 cookie recipe. Nor is it the classic Toll House Chocolate Chip Coo[...]
The difference is that today our technological progress is more focused on the flow on information as opposed to goods. It's not about moving hard goods faster or centralizing oper[...]
During an age when any worldly fact or detail can be found on the Internet with just the click of a button, it's no wonder technology has infiltrated its way into all industries. T[...]
Organic, sustainable food needs to become more affordable. Why is it expensive? Organic agriculture is inherently economical: it requires few inputs and it doesn’t deplete scarce r[...]
In honor of our one-year anniversary, Food+Tech Connect is asking leading food and technology innovators – how can information and technology be used to hack the food system?[...]
We are overwhelmed with the support the food+tech community has shown for our one year anniversary celebration and online conversation. And we would like to publicly thank those w[...]
Food+Tech Connect asked me to answer the question, how can information and technology be used to hack the food system? I have seen so many start-ups in the food space that I can'[...]
Today, Food+Tech Connect launches the first in a series of monthly interviews with leading food and tech investors. Over the past year I’ve spoken with 100+ food tech entrepreneurs[...]
Mac Magruder had his way, he would be able to control the grazing of his grass-fed herd by GPS. And while the technology for such a virtual fence is on the drawing board, Magruder[...]
The restaurant and dish discovery app space is getting crowded. In fact, I won’t write about another app unless it is powered by some innovative technology or employs interes[...]
Please join Food+Tech Connect in celebrating our one-year anniversary with an interactive cocktail party at Brooklyn Grange Rooftop Farm on September 21, 2011. The event will featu[...]
Studiofeast's Mike Lee decided to have a little fun during the Hurricane lockdown, asking his twitter followers : "Tweet me your hurricane food items, I'll tweet you back a recipe.[...]
[Editors Note: This is the fourth story in a series about meat distribution. Food + Tech Connect will run these stories every Monday for the next several weeks.] Exactly how much m[...]
Only one year after launching, semantic recipe site Yummly just broke through to 2 million monthly unique visitors, says CEO and co-founder Dave Feller. What’s been the secre[...]
[Editors Note: This is the third story in a series about meat distribution. Food + Tech Connect will run these stories every Monday for the next several weeks.] In mid July, the En[...]
We think South By South West, the largest digital-interactive conference in the United States, offers a unique opportunity to connect with and learn from a cross-disciplinary grou[...]
An interactive Google map created by development shop Small Farm Central has spruced up the new Color of Food directory locating farms and food institutions in communities of color[...]
Every year, thousands of people submit panels for SXSW, the largest digital-interactive conference in the United States. I am excited to have the opportunity to have submitted a pa[...]
A heavy-hitting group of investors including Dave McClure, Ilya Fushman, William Rosenzweig, Aki Sano and Tom Cole came together at “The New Food Chain: Investing in Food Sta[...]
Looks like Google is at it again, this time with a nifty weather layer you can choose to view in Google Maps. And while handy for city travelers, or in making conversation with you[...]
[Editors Note: This is the second story in a series about meat distribution. Food + Tech Connect will run these stories every Monday for the next several weeks.] “The question is, [...]
According to the Smarter Planet Blog, “In June, a team of five IBMers spent three weeks in Milwaukee as part of the company’s Smarter City Challenge grant program with the goal of [...]
Meet Carly Chamberlain, co-founder of Gusta, a new platform that aims to help supper clubs, pop-up restaurants, and artisan teachers connect with 'foodies,' manage events, and buil[...]