Recap of the Hack//Meat projects tackling universal meat industry challenges including farm consolidation, food labeling and consumer empowerment. [...]
Kara Rota of Cookstr advocates cooking more and eating less meat, using technology as a means to find tested, trusted recipes outside their comfort zone.[...]
On Wednesday night, the food+tech community packed into 4Food for the latest Meetup where the theme was the business of food e-commerce. There were over 140 people in attendance! T[...]
Is the future of food brand advertising and recipe website monetization "native advertising"? Yummly thinks so. Today, the semantic recipe website launched what appears to be the f[...]
An eMarketer report released this week outlines how user-generated content is a growing source of food inspiration online and offers some interesting stats.[...]
Real Time Farms announced Sunday a new partnership with Food52. Through the partnership, the startup will explore new avenues for making their database of information about farms a[...]
Food gets it's fair share of bad press these days, and for good reason. Food+Tech Connect wants to help you explore new ideas for how information and technology can be used to chan[...]
Armed with a dream investment team, and $6 million in Series A Funding, semantic recipe website Yummly is getting ready to build the world's first 'digital kitchen platform.' [...]
Our SXSW food picks for those attending or following SXSWi on Twitter this week. I will be organizing some impromptu Food+Tech happy hours. Follow the hashtag #SXfoodtech for more [...]
In 1992, chefs Heston Blumenthal and Francois Benzi came up with a “food pairing hypothesis.” Now an article in Scientific Reports disputes the foodpairing concept. [...]
home cooking experience is undergoing dramatic changes, in part thanks to the iPad, e-book readers and mobile phones. This trends report offers a detailed look at the world of reci[...]
Over the weekend the Farm Bill Hackathon brought together (in person and virtually) 120 designers, data scientists, developers, marketing professionals, food policy experts, and US[...]
Will Turnage describes his vision of "Hacking the Food System," a dynamic recipe system that takes choice of ingredients, dietary restrictions and much more into account.[...]
Grocery list and recipe search startup Ziplist uses a cadre of advanced technologies to make shopping and marketing easier and personalized, including natural language processing, [...]
We had an amazing response - with more than 27 thought leaders responding to our question, and counting! The conversation will continue at Food+Tech Connect on Wednesdays, but be [...]
What attracted me to Foodfolio is that it is being used by grandmothers and mothers who want to preserve their recipes for the next generation. And if Foodfolio is helping that ca[...]
Data visualists David McCandless and Willow Tyrer explore 1000 recipes from BBC Food and Epicurious to visualize flavor patterns. The series of “infoodgraphics,” as McC[...]
We live in a backward world. A world where it is strange to know where our food comes from. Foods that are grown and processed without adulteration have to prove it, while the use [...]
This year we witnessed first hand the power of open source tools to quickly spread the word about food system policy and planning. When Sedgwick, Maine passed the first food sover[...]
It takes millions and millions of tons of food to feed a city. Somehow, enough milk and produce and soda makes its way to, say, Los Angeles; somehow it all gets distributed — frequ[...]
The food tech revolution is now underway. Every day we're seeing new opportunities created for technology to improve the food supply chain, whether it be better farm management, on[...]
The digitization of food has ensured a critical mass of content surrounding many, but not all of the food choices we make. Web and mobile restaurant platforms provide recommendatio[...]