The pork belly trade is over. Well, not exactly over, but done with on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. The reason: no one is trading frozen pork bellies any more. 50 years ago w[...]
Calling all Food Advocates & Designers This Saturday, August 13, 2011, Code for America and The Noun Project are bringing together designers and food advocates to create new s[...]
One by-product of the artisanal food movement’s renaissance in the United States is that consumers are demanding more information about what’s in our food, where it co[...]
This past Sunday I got to join Mike Lee of Studiofeast for his first Google+ Hangout Cooking Class. Google+ Hangouts is a free video conferencing service that allows you video cha[...]
Tomorrow (Sunday, July 31) I will be joining Mike Lee of Studiofeast for the Google+ Hangout cooking lesson he’s hosting at 6pm EST. Mike and collaborator Soo Baik will be de[...]
How can data exhaust produced through social networks be leveraged to improve web search? What business models are emerging based on the monetization of digital assets rather than [...]
Last week, Environmental Working Group released Meat Eater’s Guide to Climate Change+Health, to make it easier for consumers to green their diet and the planet. They partnere[...]
Windowfarms alone will not save the world. But even in the big picture, every little piece counts. That’s the thinking of The Windowfarms Project founder Britta Riley, a technology[...]
"What do I want to eat?" In the era of the Web, where everyone is an expert, this seemingly simple question is becoming increasingly more difficult to answer. How do we sift throug[...]
That’s why the USDA is investing in food hubs and food hub research. The new online food hub resource, part of the Agricultural Marketing Services (AMS) website, contains the USDA’[...]
You are growing, growing, growing. But alas, you have 80 plums, and no lettuce. What do you do? Well, you can set them outside of your apartment and hope they magically get traded[...]
Interested in food, tech, media, and startups? Food+Tech Connect is looking for a media strategy intern to help us build the food tech community and market new services. The ideal [...]
Lilly’s Table, a weekly subscription service that offers seasonal recipes and meal plans, is the brainchild of a former personal chef, Lilly Steirer. Her idea is very near and dea[...]
The days are numbered for critics and experts, but is the future of food really the present day user generated sources? How do location, friends, palate and automated recommendatio[...]
FOOD 2.0: Open Source Food from Food Tech Connect on Vimeo. The Open Source Food panel raised a diverse and complicated array of ideas about what exactly open source is and how it [...]
Content is king when trying to attract readers and keep them coming back to your site. How do you sustain an audience? Several well-known writers opened up about strategies for kee[...]
I am thrilled to announce the launch of Food+Tech Connect’s new service: The Food Tech Job Board. After months of personally connecting people, I’ve decided to make it [...]
Farming First, a multi-stakeholder coalition whose goal is to further sustainable agriculture development worldwide, has launched a six-part online infographic called “The St[...]
I’m very excited about this week’s set of iPhone apps. With a tip of the hat to the Fab Five freshmen from the Michigan Wolverines back in the 90′s, I give you: the Fab Four free i[...]
Non-technical startup founders often struggle to find technical co-founders. Entrepreneur Emil Petrone has a solution: quit your job, leave your home for two months, and teach your[...]
What would a design tool for curating meaningful ecological relationships look like? A decade ago, inspired by this question, I conceived of a web-based application for designing [...]
Yesterday, I discussed the method for us to access our Google Doc data. Today I am going to speak of what we call the “presentation layer.” This layer is the actual webpage that vi[...]
Yesterday, in part 1, I outlined how quickly the world of technology is changing. John set the bar by accessing open source code from Google and said: “Look, the map is up. Now wha[...]