City dwellers around the country are finding creative ways to use their fire escapes, windows, backyards, and abandoned lots to grow food in the city. As the movement matures, dece[...]
Around two years ago (December 15th to be exact), I became the first paid employee of BrightFarm Systems (the New York Sun Works crew joined 16 days later). Our only project at the[...]
Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer spoke at the launch of The Sun Works Center at the Manhattan School For Children on December 7, 2010. Stringer said: “Let’s[...]
Crowdsourcing innovation is all the rage these days. Large corporations like IBM, Nokia, and GE have all created web-based platforms to gather the wisdom of the masses. When I firs[...]
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Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. This weekly newsletter was started to help you keep up-to-date with interesting events, companies, and research that are ch[...]
I’ve started a weekly newsletter to help you keep up-to-date about interesting events, companies, and research that are changing the way we produce, distribute, and consume f[...]