We need a digital tools to empower eaters with information that build demand for sustainably raised meat, say Dawn Undurraga & Kari Hamerschlag of Environmental Working Group.[...]
The future of meat is where family farms will use technology to improve profitability by overcoming marketing, distribution and storage challenges. [...]
Hacking Meat is an online conversation exploring how can information and technology be used to hack (or reimagine) a more sustainable, profitable and healthy future of meat. Join t[...]
Will Turnage explores software solutions for scaling small-scale local meat from an online marketplace for the group buying of meat to a custom ordering system local butcher shops.[...]
[Editors Note: This is the fourth story in a series about meat distribution. Food + Tech Connect will run these stories every Monday for the next several weeks.] Exactly how much m[...]
[Editors Note: This is the second story in a series about meat distribution. Food + Tech Connect will run these stories every Monday for the next several weeks.] “The question is, [...]