In this five part series, Bob Wall breaks down how created the interactive mapping system for the food sovereignty, urban agriculture zoning, and food policy council maps. In part [...]
Meet Sharleen and Mark Thompson, co-founders of Eggzy, a flock management platform for backyard chicken farmers that allows you to manage egg production, record expenses, calculate[...]
Please meet our newest contributor Bob Wall. Bob recently launched iTools: Urban Ag Technology, a weekly column on Grown In The City, that focuses on the intersection of urban agri[...]
John Reinhardt recently launched the urban agriculture zoning and food sovereignty ordinance mapson his blog Grown in the City. Among other things covered, Reinhardt and his brothe[...]
Last week, Jas and I moderated a core conversation at SXSW entitled How Technology is Revolutionizing the Way We Eat. In this forum, the audience was encouraged to participate and [...]
Interview with Kareem Shaya, Founder of Farmonic, a field management platform for sustainable farms. Shaya is a developer with no agricultural background, but recognizes the immens[...]
“We believe that change is needed in the way we consume and produce food. We don’t pretend to have the answer to what that change should be. It’s complicated. How[...]
Meet Jonathan Shapiro, Founder of the recently launched Grubster, a new iPhone application and website that allows you to search for recommendations on specific dishes at a restaur[...]
My interview with Miriam Simun about her project making cheese from human breast milk, posted on both Food+Tech Connect and Grist, provoked a substantial amount of conversation. We[...]
“We knew that the data contained in the stack of weekly circulars on our dining room table was valuable, but could be much more valuable if it were presented in a more useful[...]
Join us in creating SXSW’s first-ever virtual farm-to-table community and feast on a new future of food. Sign up here to receive an invite. Want to have your startup featured[...]
The Internet has allowed for a democratization of ‘the expert.’ Restaurants and consumers must contend with the newly empowered voices of authority, whose feedback gets[...]
We go online for restaurant recommendations, recipes, dating, networking, and finding activity or interest groups, among other things. As our world becomes increasingly social, a g[...]
Food+Tech Connect is dedicated to building community for the growing food and tech sector- both online and off. I am thrilled to be working with Emily Cavalier of Mouth of The Bord[...]
January Food+Tech Meetup With Wholeshare and Meatshare from Food Tech Connect on Vimeo. The January Food+Tech Meetup featured a conversation about developing new models for organiz[...]
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could easily and quickly find the exact recipe you want, based on your personal health profile and preferences? Yummly CEO and Founder David Feller[...]
Hamburgers Tonight!, originally uploaded by jamieanne. To develop revenues for a business plan you have to have a clear idea of the value proposition. Or, to put it simply: Who wil[...]
What does—or could, or even should—it mean to write about food today? I am honored to join more than 40 amazing writers in a conversation about this question as part of a multi-sit[...]
Your weekly questions provides a forum for you and fellow members of the food and tech community to ask questions and gain insights about products, research, and resources. Do you [...]
The Product Group Meetup: Jeremy Fisher on Dinevore from Food Tech Connect on Vimeo. The January Product Group Meetup featured Dinevore founder Jeremy Fisher. In this video, Fisher[...]
Up until a couple of weeks ago, the largest event I had ever organized were dinner parties for 10 in my apartment. Then the Food+Tech Hackathon came along. With 12 days of lead ti[...]
Where does your food come from? The answer is more difficult than you might imagine. Thankfully, a growing number of tech savvy entrepreneurs are leveraging their Web2.0 acumen an[...] created this interactive infographic visualizing the consumption, production, and production value of the most commonly used burrito ingredients.[...]
If you’ve been following this blog, you may have noticed that many of the startups I’ve interviewed are data-driven. Why? Because addressing even the seemingly most bas[...]
What a year for food and tech! It has been truly wonderful getting to know all of you over the past couple of months. I can’t wait to connect with more of you at the events ([...]