The USDA is stepping up their online engagement and open data efforts with the Google+ Hangout and follow-up Twitter Chat they are hosting in conjunction with their updated Know Y[...]
The June Food+Tech Meetup featured five startups that are revolutionizing the restaurant industry, including Yumspring, Clean Plates, Mirth, Single Platform and BuzzTable. Presente[...]
The 5th Annual Computer Cooking Contest invites individuals, research groups and companies applying AI technologies to home cooking - such as case-based reasoning, semantic technol[...]
Real Time Farms launched the FixAntibiotics Food Finder. The first of its kind map enables consumers to find retail locations, farmers markets, farms and restaurants selling meat [...]
In anticipation of the impending challenge of feeding 9 billion people by 2050 , the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Institute [...]
PBS's America Revealed released a short clip visualizing a New York City Domino pizza delivery route, which went viral thanks to some influential blogs. The spread of the video off[...]
What can tweets tell us about global food consumption and its impact on emotional well-being? FoodMood is an interactive data visualization project that aims to measure global food[...]
Americans may be spending less money on food, but dollars saved are just being spent on the resulting costs of poor health that plague the nation.
The winning project of the Quirky + GE Project is Milkmaid, is a quart size glass milk jug that can sense when your milk will go bad. Milk is becoming an object of interest for tho[...]
Snack Data is a visual database of snack foods. Created by Beau Johnson, each food illustration includes a description and tasting note with each of his snack illustrations- 176 t[...]
Two innovative Kickstarter campaigns providing insights into future trends for home cooking tools - video, increased focus on technique, interative iPad experiences and voice-enabl[...]
Peer-to-peer sharing, traceability and enterprise software are just a few of the ways technology is catalyzing a flexible, resilient and sustainable food system. With food tech as[...]
"How do I use the internet to attract more customers?" is one of the most frequent questions asked by restaurant and bar owners. While listing services and online ordering websites[...]
Interactive design agency Teehan+Lax's "Labs" has developed a milk jug and Android mobile app that alert you when you are low on milk in your refrigerator .[...]
More and more restaurants, supermarkets, universities, hospitals, and food service providers are trying to figure out how they begin to source ingredients locally. FarmersWeb, a ne[...]
Most years there is a dominant tech solution at the National Restaurant Association Show (NRA). Not this year. This year, we saw a range of technologies clustered around a common t[...]
San Francisco’s growing Food and Tech community gathered together to explore the state of the emerging sector at the recent Food Startups Meetup, featuring industry leaders from: F[...]
APIs are transforming the way we eat. Whether it’s at home, or when you are dining out, consumers (and developers) are empowered like never before. The combination of a great us[...]
Zokos is a new startup that aims to make it easier for people to connect in real life - over food- by reducing what they have identified as the "barriers to entertaining." Last wee[...]
While there are several ways technology can be leveraged to package information about food products and transform it into helpful information for consumers, a main component of any[...]
ScanAvert, a mobile application that helps consumers with dietary restrictions to choose safe groceries is much more than a mobile grocery advisor, allowing users to find and track[...]
In this video from his talk at The Long Now Foundation in 2009, Michael Pollan discusses the feasibility of genetically engineered crops designed to support sustainable agricultur[...]
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has recently released a new resource that will make its agricultural development strategy a whole lot easier. The [...]