On a large island in the Puget Sound, Farmstead Meatsmith is helping to revive traditional animal husbandry. Brandon and Lauren Sheard, the husband and wife team at its helm, harve[...]
16 leading thinkers and doers explore how data, technology and new media can be used to reimagine a more sustainable, profitable and healthy future for meat.[...]
Food+Tech Connect and GRACE Communications Foundation present Hacking Meat, an online conversation exploring how information and technology can be used to hack (or reimagine[...]
Artisan Butcher Kent Schoberle of 4505 Meats discusses the instrumental role a more transparent processing system could play in scaling the sustainable meat industry, bettering eve[...]
Will Turnage explores software solutions for scaling small-scale local meat from an online marketplace for the group buying of meat to a custom ordering system local butcher shops.[...]
An open call to filmmakers, designers, illustrators, web developers, photographers, anyone and everyone, to engage in the good work of producing savvy media about the "Agrarian Ren[...]