The days are numbered for critics and experts, but is the future of food really the present day user generated sources? How do location, friends, palate and automated recommendatio[...]
FOOD 2.0: Open Source Food from Food Tech Connect on Vimeo. The Open Source Food panel raised a diverse and complicated array of ideas about what exactly open source is and how it [...]
Panelists from Seamless Web,,, Clean Plates & Plovgh discussed their current projects using restaurant, menu, ingredient, food source, and nutritional data dur[...]
FOOD 2.0 is a day-long series of panels that will bring together professionals interested in the future of food for discussions about how technology is shaping/disrupting the way [...]
FOOD 2.0 is a day-long series of panels that will bring together professionals interested in the future of food and will promote discussion about how technology is shaping the way[...]