What did you eat during Hurricane Irene?
Studiofeast’s Mike Lee decided to have a little fun during the Hurricane lockdown, asking his twitter followers:
“Tweet me your hurricane food items, I’ll tweet you back a recipe.”
Lee put together a collection of the 140 character menus he conceived and writes, “Take a look, have a laugh, and if you enjoyed them, please consider for a moment to donate to the Red Cross to help with the recovery effort in places that were way less lucky than NYC.”
While those of us in New York City got off easy, farmers along the East Coast are dealing with the devastating repercussions that ensued as a result of the massive flooding caused by Irene. Many have lost nearly their entire summer harvest and farm animals, representing their annual income. GrowNYC estimates “that 80% of Greenmarket farmers have been impacted, with about 10% reporting severe loss—80-100% of their products.”
Like Lee, I encourage you to take a moment to support one of the wonderful organizations helping with recovery efforts. GrowNYC has a set up a fund where 100% of the proceeds are going directly to help Greenmarket farmers. Watershed post has a comprehensive list of donation and relief organizations in the Catskill region.
Please list organizations (including link to website) in other states raising funds for farmers affected by Irene and I will do my best to promote your efforts.