For me, one of the main issues I see in agriculture is confusion in the marketplace. There are all kinds of labels, and the ways stores and brands use terms like “organic,” “human[...]
Here at Food+Tech Connect, we are committed to promoting and facilitating the development of open standards for the reporting and sharing information about food. We do so because [...]
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could easily and quickly find the exact recipe you want, based on your personal health profile and preferences? Yummly CEO and Founder David Feller[...]
As the founder of the internet venture, GourmetOrigins, one of the topics that often comes up when speaking with people in the food industry is technology and particularly, how to [...]
It was 8:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning in Soho, the streets lay quiet and Broadway was not yet filled with shopping tourists. Though one floor above, at co-working space Soho Haven[...]
It’s been a while since I’ve worked on this site, but thanks to the Food+Tech Hackathon I’ve taken the time to really think about how the data and tools I’m building should evolve.[...]